Thursday, January 8, 2009

Finally here!!!!

So i am finally here in London! I have been here for just one day but i already am in love with! Yesterday was a loooong day. My first flight was delayed for a little while and then my connecting flight was a littel tight and then they didnt get my luggage on the plane so i dont have my luggage!! I feel like a part of me is gone!! haha but they have it finally so i should get it today :)
When i arrived yesterday i was so glad to finally get to the London Centre. It is so so cute and really nice inside the London Centre. There are a total of 4 dorm rooms. One with 6 one with 12 one with 16 and one with 8. I am in the one with eight so it is really nice. It is the only one on the ground floor and kinda away from all the other girls so its more quiet :) I SCORED! haha but The girls that are in my room room are really cool. They are so nice and willing to lend me their clothes because i dont have ANY!! I can tell it will be a good semester because of them:)
Yesterday after i settled in a couple of us girls went on a walk around London. Of course we got Lost for a little bit! It was ment to be a one hour walk but ended being 2 hours, but who wouldnt want to be lost in London! We took the tube for the first time and we were all really proud of ourselves for succeeding! While we were walking there was a protest from all the Isralian people it was kinda cool. But it was a fun and interesting day. Right before dinner we have a little prayer and spirtual thought and we sing this song that Dr.Durham (the musical director) made up, haha its kinda funny. And i voulenteered to be the chairman of the devotional committee so i am excited about that! Well i will update another time :)

1 comment:

  1. i am SO excited for you lex! you are going to have the most amazing time of your life... i just KNOW it! and you definitely lucked out by getting one of the smaller dorms :) sorry to hear about your luggage. that has happened to me... its such a bummer!
